October 6, 2023 Carrying Bags Carrying Bags I used to have a hard time carrying multiple bags if they were heavy but I found a way to do that is sometimes putting some bags on my arms if needed so we don’t have to go back & forth when we are at home. For example when we go to the store. Another …
October 6, 2023 Cables Cables I used to have a hard time cleaning up cables that I had or when I was using an equipment piece for something like a show like lighting/audio cables or cables 4 my phone or computer sometimes if they are long cables. I usually try to do an over & under method to clean up …
October 6, 2023 Tying my Shoes Tying my Shoes I sometimes had a hard time tying my shoes in the past. What I did was put my shoes on 1st like always. 2nd is to tighten my laces & hold the left side lace in my hand & do over & under 1 time. 3rd I made a loop & tied it around the …
October 6, 2023 Writing Writing I mostly write with my dominant hand (the right) with most content or typing, texting, etc. Here is some writing with my non-dominant hand (the left).